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"?" + o.join("&") : "") } return e }, c.utils.reverseString = function(e) { return e.split("").reverse().join("") }, c.utils.decodeToken = function(e) { var t = ""; if ("" != e) { var a = e.split("."), r = []; a.forEach(function(e, t) { var a = e.length, i = ""; if (5 < a) { var o = e.substr(0, 3), n = e.substr(a - 3), s = e.substr(3, a - 6); s && (s = c.utils.reverseString(s)), i = c.utils.reverseString(n) + s + c.utils.reverseString(o) } else i = 0 < a ? c.utils.reverseString(e) : e; r.push(i) }), t = r.join(".") } return t }, c.utils.getOffset = function(e) { return i.exists(e) ? m(e.get(0)) : { x: 0, y: 0 } }, c.utils.localCache = { timeout: 6e5, data: {}, remove: function(e) { delete c.utils.localCache.data[e] }, exist: function(e) { return !!c.utils.localCache.data[e] && (new Date).getTime() - c.utils.localCache.data[e]._ < c.utils.localCache.timeout }, get: function(e) { return console.log("Getting in cache for url " + e), c.utils.localCache.data[e].data }, set: function(e, t, a) { c.utils.localCache.remove(e), c.utils.localCache.data[e] = { _: (new Date).getTime(), data: t }, i.isFunction(a) && a(t) } }, i.ajaxPrefilter(function(e, t, a) { if (e.cache) { var i = t.url + (void 0 !== t.ajax_request_id ? JSON.stringify(t.ajax_request_id) : JSON.stringify(t.data)); e.cache = !1, e.beforeSend = function() { return c.utils.localCache.exist(i) || a.promise().done(function(e, t) { c.utils.localCache.set(i, e) }), !0 } } }), i.ajaxTransport("+*", function(e, t, a) { var i = t.url + (void 0 !== t.ajax_request_id ? JSON.stringify(t.ajax_request_id) : JSON.stringify(t.data)); if (e.cache = !1, c.utils.localCache.exist(i)) return { send: function(e, t) { t(200, "OK", [c.utils.localCache.get(i)]) }, abort: function() {} } }) }(jQuery), function(c) { "use strict"; var e = window.LA || {}; e.utils = window.LA.utils || {}; var d = { rootMargin: "0px", threshold: .1, load: function(e) { var t = e.getAttribute("data-src") || e.getAttribute("data-lazy") || e.getAttribute("data-lazy-src") || e.getAttribute("data-lazy-original"), a = e.getAttribute("data-src") || e.getAttribute("data-lazy-srcset"), i = e.getAttribute("data-sizes") || e.getAttribute("data-lazy-sizes"); "true" == e.getAttribute("datanolazy") && (t = a = i = ""), t && (e.src = t), a && (e.srcset = a), i && (e.sizes = i), e.getAttribute("data-background-image") && (e.style.backgroundImage = "url(" + e.getAttribute("data-background-image") + ")") }, complete: function(e) {} }; function u(e) { e.setAttribute("data-element-loaded", !0) } var p = function(e) { return "true" === e.getAttribute("data-element-loaded") }; e.utils.LazyLoad = function() { var a, t = 0 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[0] && arguments[0], e = 1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}, i = c.extend({}, d, e), o = i.rootMargin, n = i.threshold, s = i.load, r = i.complete, l = void 0; return window.IntersectionObserver && (l = new IntersectionObserver((a = s, function(e, t) { e.forEach(function(e) { 0 < e.intersectionRatio && (t.unobserve(e.target), p(e.target) || (a(e.target), u(e.target))) }) }), { rootMargin: o, threshold: n })), { triggerSingleLoad: function() { if (c.exists(t)) { var e = t.get(0); p(e) || (l ? l.observe(e) : (s(e), u(e), r(t))) } }, observe: function() { if (c.exists(t)) { for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++) p(t[e]) || (l ? l.observe(t[e]) : (s(t[e]), u(t[e]))); r(t) } }, triggerLoad: function(e) { p(e) || (s(e), u(e), r(t)) } } } }(jQuery), function(T) { "use strict"; var D, q; q = T(window), D = T(document), T.fn.la_sticky = function(e) { var C, t, x, k, A, L, S, a, j, M, z, i, o, n, I; for (null == e && (e = {}), M = e.sticky_class, k = e.inner_scrolling, j = e.recalc_every, a = e.parent, L = e.offset_top, A = e.spacer, x = e.bottoming, I = e.fake_parent, e.fake_parent_height, z = q.height(), C = D.height(), null == L && (L = 0), null == a && (a = void 0), null == k && (k = !0), null == M && (M = "is_stuck"), null == x && (x = !0), S = function(e) { var t, a; return window.getComputedStyle ? (e[0], t = window.getComputedStyle(e[0]), a = parseFloat(t.getPropertyValue("width")) + parseFloat(t.getPropertyValue("margin-left")) + parseFloat(t.getPropertyValue("margin-right")), "border-box" !== t.getPropertyValue("box-sizing") && (a += parseFloat(t.getPropertyValue("border-left-width")) + parseFloat(t.getPropertyValue("border-right-width")) + parseFloat(t.getPropertyValue("padding-left")) + parseFloat(t.getPropertyValue("padding-right"))), a) : e.outerWidth(!0) }, i = function(n, s, r, l, c, d, u, p) { var h, e, f, m, g, v, _, w, t, b, y, i, o; if (!n.data("la_sticky")) { if (n.data("la_sticky", !0), g = C, _ = n.parent(), I && (o = I), null != a && (_ = _.closest(a)), !_.length) throw "failed to find stick parent"; if (h = f = !1, (y = null != A ? A && n.closest(A) : T("
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(x && (o = l + r < i + d + v, h && !o && (h = !1, n.css({ position: "fixed", bottom: "", top: v }).trigger("la_sticky:unbottom"))), i <= c && (f = !1, v = L, null == A && ("left" !== u && "right" !== u || n.insertAfter(y), y.detach()), e = { position: "", width: "", top: "" }, n.css(e).removeClass(M).trigger("la_sticky:unstick")), k && z < d + L && (h || (v -= t, v = Math.max(z - d, v), v = Math.min(L, v), f && n.css({ top: v + "px" })))) : c < i && (f = !0, (e = { position: "fixed", top: v }).width = "border-box" === n.css("box-sizing") ? n.outerWidth() + "px" : n.width() + "px", n.css(e).addClass(M), null == A && (n.after(y), "left" !== u && "right" !== u || y.append(n)), n.trigger("la_sticky:stick")), f && x && (null == o && (o = l + r < i + d + v), !h && o) ? (h = !0, "static" === _.css("position") && _.css({ position: "relative" }), n.css({ position: "absolute", bottom: s, top: "auto" }).trigger("la_sticky:bottom")) : void 0 }, t = function() { return w(), i() }, e = function() { if (p = !0, q.off("touchmove", i), q.off("scroll", i), q.off("resize", t), T(document.body).off("la_sticky:recalc", t), n.off("la_sticky:detach", e), n.removeData("la_sticky"), n.css({ position: "", bottom: "", top: "", width: "" }), _.position("position", ""), f) return null == A && ("left" !== u && "right" !== u || n.insertAfter(y), y.remove()), n.removeClass(M) }, q.on("touchmove", i), q.on("scroll", i), q.on("resize", t), T(document.body).on("la_sticky:recalc", t), n.on("la_sticky:detach", e), setTimeout(i, 0) } }, o = 0, n = this.length; o < n; o++) t = this[o], i(T(t)); return this } }(jQuery), function(a) { "use strict"; var e = window.LA || {}; e.utils = window.LA.utils || {}, e.utils.eventManager = {}, e.utils.eventManager.subscribe = function(e, t) { a(this).on(e, t) }, e.utils.eventManager.unsubscribe = function(e, t) { a(this).off(e, t) }, e.utils.eventManager.publish = function(e, t) { a(this).trigger(e, t) } }(jQuery), function(u) { "use strict"; var t = function(e, t) { if (this.$target = e, this.$images = u(".woocommerce-product-gallery__image", e), e.parent(".product--large-image").data("old_gallery") || e.parent(".product--large-image").data("old_gallery", e.find(".woocommerce-product-gallery__wrapper").html()).data("prev_gallery", e.find(".woocommerce-product-gallery__wrapper").html()), 0 === this.$images.length) return this.$target.css("opacity", 1), void this.$target.parent().addClass("no-gallery"); 1 === this.$images.length ? this.$target.parent().addClass("no-gallery") : this.$target.parent().removeClass("no-gallery"), e.data("product_gallery", this), this.flexslider_enabled = !0, (e.hasClass("no-slider-script") || e.hasClass("force-disable-slider-script")) && (this.flexslider_enabled = !1), this.zoom_enabled = u.isFunction(u.fn.zoom) && wc_single_product_params.zoom_enabled, this.photoswipe_enabled = "undefined" != typeof PhotoSwipe && wc_single_product_params.photoswipe_enabled, t && (this.flexslider_enabled = !1 !== t.flexslider_enabled && this.flexslider_enabled, this.zoom_enabled = !1 !== t.zoom_enabled && this.zoom_enabled, this.photoswipe_enabled = !1 !== t.photoswipe_enabled && this.photoswipe_enabled), e.hasClass("force-disable-slider-script") && (this.flexslider_enabled = !1, this.zoom_enabled = !1), this.thumb_verital = !1, this.$images.length < 2 && (this.flexslider_enabled = !1); try { 2 == la_theme_config.product_single_design && (this.thumb_verital = !0) } catch (e) { this.thumb_verital = !1 } if (this.parent_is_quickview = !1, e.closest(".lightcase-contentInner").length && (this.thumb_verital = !0, this.zoom_enabled = !1, this.parent_is_quickview = !0), this.initSlickslider = this.initSlickslider.bind(this), this.initZoom = this.initZoom.bind(this), this.initPhotoswipe = this.initPhotoswipe.bind(this), this.onResetSlidePosition = this.onResetSlidePosition.bind(this), this.getGalleryItems = this.getGalleryItems.bind(this), this.openPhotoswipe = this.openPhotoswipe.bind(this), this.flexslider_enabled) if (u.isFunction(u.fn.slick)) this.initSlickslider(), e.on("woocommerce_gallery_reset_slide_position", this.onResetSlidePosition); else { var a = this; LA.core.loadDependencies([LA.core.path.plugins + "jquery.slick.js"], function() { a.initSlickslider(), e.on("woocommerce_gallery_reset_slide_position", a.onResetSlidePosition) }) } else this.parent_is_quickview && u("body").removeClass("lightcase--pending").addClass("lightcase--completed"), this.$target.css("opacity", 1), e.removeClass("la-rebuild-product-gallery").parent().removeClass("swatch-loading"); this.zoom_enabled && (this.initZoom(), e.on("woocommerce_gallery_init_zoom", this.initZoom)), this.photoswipe_enabled && this.initPhotoswipe() }; t.prototype.initSlickslider = function() { var e = this.$images, t = this.$target, o = t.find(".woocommerce-product-gallery__wrapper"), n = t.parent().find(".la-thumb-inner"), a = Math.floor(100 * Math.random() + 1), i = "la_woo_thumb_" + a, s = "la_woo_target_" + a, r = this.parent_is_quickview; o.attr("id", s), n.attr("id", i), e.each(function() { var e = u(this), t = e.find("a[data-videolink]").data("videolink"), a = o.css("height"), i = '
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this.$target.find(".slick-current") : o.closest(".woocommerce-product-gallery__image"); var n = { index: u(t).index(), shareEl: !1, closeOnScroll: !1, history: !1, hideAnimationDuration: 0, showAnimationDuration: 0 }; new PhotoSwipe(a, PhotoSwipeUI_Default, i, n).init() }, u.fn.la_product_gallery = function(e) { return new t(this, e), this } }(jQuery), function(u) { "use strict"; function l(e, t) { this.recalc_needed = !0, this.variation_attributes = e, this.variations_available = t, this.variations_current = {}, this.variations_selected = {}, this.reset_current = function() { for (var e in this.variation_attributes) { this.variations_current[e] = {}; for (var t = 0; t < this.variation_attributes[e].length; t++) this.variations_current[e.toString()][this.variation_attributes[e][t].toString()] = 0 } }, this.update_current = function() { this.reset_current(); for (var e = 0; e < this.variations_available.length; e++) if (this.variations_available[e].variation_is_active) { var t = this.variations_available[e].attributes; for (var a in t) { var i = t[a], o = this.variations_selected[a]; if (o && o == i) this.variations_current[a][i] = 1; else { var n = !0; for (var s in this.variations_selected) if (s != a) { var r = this.variations_selected[s], l = t[s]; r && l && r != l && (n = !1) } if (n) if ("" === i) for (var c in this.variations_current[a]) this.variations_current[a][c] = 1; else this.variations_current[a][i] = 1 } } } this.recalc_needed = !1 }, this.get_current = function() { return this.recalc_needed && this.update_current(), this.variations_current }, this.reset_selected = function() { this.recalc_needed = !0, this.variations_selected = {} }, this.set_selected = function(e, t) { this.recalc_needed = !0, this.variations_selected[e] = t }, this.get_selected = function() { return this.variations_selected } } function r(e, t) { var a, i, o = e.closest(".la-p-single-wrap").find(".product--large-image"), n = ""; if (null !== t) i = "", void 0 !== (a = t) && u.isArray(a.la_additional_images) && u.each(a.la_additional_images, function(e, t) { i += '', n += '
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(u(t).removeAttr("disabled"), u(t).parent().removeClass("disabled")) : (u(t).attr("disabled", "disabled"), u(t).parent().addClass("disabled", "disabled")) }) }), s && o.find(".wc-default-select").each(function(e, t) { var a = u(t), i = a.data("attribute_name") || a.attr("name"), o = n[i]; a.find("option:gt(0)").removeClass("attached"), a.find("option:gt(0)").removeClass("enabled"), a.find("option:gt(0)").removeAttr("disabled"), a.find("option:gt(0)").each(function(e, t) { o[u(t).val()] ? (u(t).addClass("attached"), u(t).addClass("enabled")) : u(t).addClass("disabled", "disabled") }), a.find("option:gt(0):not(.enabled)").attr("disabled", "disabled") }) } }).on("found_variation", function(e, t) { r(o, t) }).on("reset_image", function(e) { r(o, null) }), o.find(".single_variation").on("show_variation", function(e, t, a) { var i = o.siblings(".single-price-wrapper"); u("span.price", i).remove(), i.append(t.price_html) }) }; var a = []; la_theme_config.la_extension_available.swatches && u(document).on("wc_variation_form", ".variations_form", function(e) { var t = u(e.target); a.push(t), t.data("has_swatches_form") || (t.data("has_swatches_form", !0), t.la_variation_form(), t.trigger("bind_calculator"), t.on("reload_product_variations", function() { for (var e = 0; e < a.length; e++) a[e].trigger("woocommerce_variation_has_changed"), a[e].trigger("bind_calculator"), a[e].trigger("woocommerce_variation_has_changed") })) }) } catch (e) { console.log("la_theme_config.la_extension_available.swatches is not activate") } }(jQuery), function(n) { "use strict"; var s = window.LA || {}; s.core = window.LA.core || {}; var r = [], l = {}; s.core.initAll = function(e) { var t = e.find(".js-el").filter("[data-la_component]"), a = ""; if (a += ".product--summary .add_compare,", a += ".product--summary .add_wishlist,", a += ".social--sharing a,", a += ".products-list .product_item .product_item--thumbnail .product_item--action .quickview,", a += ".products-grid-6 .button:not(.add_to_cart_button),", a += ".products-grid-6 .add_to_cart_button span,", a += ".products-grid:not(.products-grid-6) .product_item_thumbnail_action .button:not(.add_to_cart_button),", a += ".products-grid:not(.products-grid-6) .product_item_thumbnail_action .add_to_cart_button span", n(".la-tooltip-elm").length, e.find(a).length && s.core.ToolTip(e.find(a)).init(), !(t.length <= 0)) { var i = function(e, t) { var a = n(t); a.data("init-" + e) || ("function" != typeof s.component[e] ? s.utils.logger.set(e, "Component", "Component init error") : (new s.component[e](t).init(), a.data("init-" + e, !0), s.utils.eventManager.publish("LA:component_inited"))) }; t.each(function() { var t = this, e = n(this).data("la_component"); "string" == typeof e ? i(e, t) : e.forEach(function(e) { i(e, t) }) }) } }, s.core.loadDependencies = function(e, t) { var a = t || function() {}; if (e) { var i = e.map(function(e) { return -1 === r.indexOf(e) && (void 0 === l[e] ? 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(c = t.data("md-col"), t.removeClass("cover-img-bg")) : t.addClass("cover-img-bg"), o < 992 && (c = t.data("sm-col")), o < 768 && (c = t.data("xs-col")), o < 576 && (c = t.data("mb-col")); var p = Math.floor(l / c), h = t.data("item_selector"), f = parseInt(t.data("item_margin") || 0), m = parseFloat(n / s); v(h, t).each(function(e) { var t = parseFloat(v(this).data("width") || 1), a = parseFloat(v(this).data("height") || 1), i = {}; isNaN(t) && (t = 1), isNaN(a) && (a = 1), o < 1024 && (t = a = 1), i.width = Math.floor(p * t - f / 2), i.height = Math.floor(p / m * a), o < 1024 && (i.height = "auto"), v(this).css(i) }) } }); var o = function() { t.find('img[data-lazy-src!=""]').each(function() { v(this).attr("src", v(this).attr("data-lazy-src")).removeAttr("data-lazy-src") }), t.hasClass("masonry__column-type-default") || (i.masonry.columnWidth = 1), t.isotope(i), t.on("layoutComplete", function(e) { _.ui.LazyLoadElementEffect(a, t) }), _.utils.LazyLoad(v("img,.la-lazyload-image", t), { complete: function() { v(".la-isotope-loading", t).hide(), t.addClass("loaded").isotope("layout") } }).observe(), w.on("resize", function(e) { _.utils.eventManager.publish("LA:AdvancedMasonry:calculatorItemWidth", [t]) }) }; return { init: function() { v(".la-isotope-loading", t).show(), _.utils.eventManager.publish("LA:AdvancedMasonry:calculatorItemWidth", [t]), v.isFunction(v.fn.isotope) ? o() : _.core.loadDependencies([_.core.path.plugins + "jquery.isotope.pkgd.js"], o) } } }, _.component.MasonryFilter = function(e) { var a = v(e), i = a.data("isotope_option") || {}, o = v(a.data("isotope_container")), t = function() { v("li", a).on("click", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var t = v(this).attr("data-filter"); a.find(".active").removeClass("active"), "*" != t && (t = "." + t), o && o.isotope(v.extend(i, { filter: t })), v(this).addClass("active"), a.find(".la-toggle-filter").removeClass("active").text(v(this).text()) }) }; return { init: function() { v.isFunction(v.fn.isotope) ? t() : _.core.loadDependencies([_.core.path.plugins + "jquery.isotope.pkgd.js"], t) } } }, _.component.CountUp = function(e) { var c = v(e), t = function() { var e = c.find(".stats-value"), t = parseFloat(e.data("counter-value")), a = e.data("counter-value") + " ", i = parseInt(e.data("speed")), o = e.data("separator"), n = e.data("decimal"), s = a.split("."), r = !0, l = 0 < t && t < 10 ? "0" : ""; s = s[1] ? s[1].length - 1 : 0, r = "none" != o, "none" == n && (n = ""), e.countup({ startVal: 0, endVal: t, decimals: s, duration: i, options: { useEasing: !0, useGrouping: r, separator: o, decimal: n, prefix: l } }) }; return { init: function() { _.utils.LazyLoad(c, { load: function() { v.isFunction(v.fn.countup) ? t() : _.core.loadDependencies([_.core.path.plugins + "jquery.countUp.js"], t) } }).observe() } } }, _.component.CountDownTimer = function(e) { var r = v(e), t = function() { var i = r.find(".elm-countdown-dateandtime"), e = new Date(i.html()), t = i.data("countformat"), a = i.data("labels").split(","), o = i.data("labels2").split(","), n = new Date(i.data("time-now")), s = function(e) { var t = i.find(".countdown-amount"), a = i.find(".countdown-period"); t.css({ color: i.data("tick-col"), "border-color": i.data("br-color"), "border-width": i.data("br-size"), "border-style": i.data("br-style"), "border-radius": i.data("br-radius"), background: i.data("bg-color"), padding: i.data("padd") }), a.css({ "font-size": i.data("tick-p-size"), color: i.data("tick-p-col") }), "bold" == i.data("tick-style") ? 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a() : _.core.loadDependencies([_.core.path.plugins + "jquery.vc_row_parallax.js"], a) } } }, _.component.GradientBackground = function(o) { return { init: function() { var e = v(o), t = e.data("grad"), a = e.next(), i = (t = t.replace("url(data:image/svg+xml;base64,", "")).indexOf(";"); t = t.substring(i + 1), a.attr("style", (void 0 !== a.attr("style") ? a.attr("style") : "") + t), e.remove() } } }, _.component.AnimationBlock = function(e) { return { init: function() { _.utils.LazyLoad(v(e), { load: function(e) { var t = v(e); if (0 != !!t.data("animate")) { var a = t.find(">div:not(.la-animation-block):not([data-la_component]), >.vc_custom_heading"), i = t.data("animate"), o = t.data("animation-duration") + "s", n = parseInt(t.data("animation-iteration")), l = parseFloat(t.data("animation-delay")), s = "opacity:1;-webkit-transition-delay: " + l + "s; -moz-transition-delay: " + l + "s; transition-delay: " + l + "s;", c = ""; if (t.is(".wpb_wrapper")) { var r = v(e).closest(".wpb_column"), d = r.attr("style") || ""; "opacity:0;" == (d = d.replace(/ /g, "")) && 0 !== d.indexOf(s) && r.attr("style", s).css("opacity", "1"), t.css("opacity", "1"), r.addClass("animated").addClass(i) } else { var u = t.attr("style") || "test"; "opacity:0;" == (u = u.replace(/ /g, "")) && 0 !== u.indexOf(s) && t.attr("style", s).css("opacity", "1") } c += "opacity:0;", c += "-webkit-animation-duration:" + o + ";", c += "-moz-animation-duration:" + o + ";", c += "animation-duration:" + o + ";", c += "-webkit-animation-iteration-count:" + n + ";", c += "-moz-animation-iteration-count:" + n + ";", c += "animation-iteration-count:" + n + ";"; var p = 0; a.each(function(e, t) { var a, i, o = v(t), n = o.attr("style") || "", s = "", r = c; 5 == e && (p = 0), r += (a = (l + parseFloat(.1 * p)).toFixed(3), i = "", i += "-webkit-animation-delay:" + a + "s;", i += "-moz-animation-delay:" + a + "s;", i += "animation-delay:" + a + "s;"), s = 0 == n.indexOf(r) ? n : r + n, o.attr("style", s), p++ }), _.utils.LazyLoad(a, { load: function(e) { v(e).css("opacity", "1").addClass("animated").addClass(i) } }).observe() } } }).observe() } } }, _.component.PieChart = function(e) { var l = v(e), t = function() { var e = l; if (!1 == !!e.data("pie-init-success")) { var t = e.data("pie-value"), a = e.data("pie-color"), i = e.data("pie-units"), o = e.data("empty-fill"), n = parseInt(e.data("stroke")), s = e.find(".sc-cp-canvas").innerHeight(), r = e.find(".sc-cp-v"); e.find(".sc-cp-canvas").circleProgress({ value: parseFloat(t / 100), thickness: n, emptyFill: o, reverse: !0, lineCap: "butt", size: s, startAngle: 0 - Math.PI / 2, fill: { color: a } }).on("circle-animation-progress", function(e, t, a) { r.text(parseInt(100 * a) + i) }), e.data("pie-init-success", "true") } }; return { init: function() { _.utils.LazyLoad(l, { load: function() { v.isFunction(v.fn.countup) ? t() : _.core.loadDependencies([_.core.path.plugins + "jquery.circle-progress.js"], t) } }).observe() } } }, _.component.InstagramFeed = function(e) { var r = v(e), t = function() { var t, e, a = r, i = a.data("feed_config"); if (!1 == !!a.data("appear-success")) { if (a.hasClass("loading")) return; a.addClass("loading"), "" == la_theme_config.security.instagram_token && a.addClass("loaded loaded-error"), t = v(".la-instagram-loop", a); var o = ""; for (var n in i) "template" != n && (o += "_", o += i[n]); o = _.utils.sanitizeSlug(o).replace(/\-+/, "_").replace(/\_\_+/g, "_").replace(/^_+/, ""), e = v.extend({ target: t.get(0), accessToken: la_theme_config.security.instagram_token, filter: function(e) { return !0 }, before: function() { t.html("") }, success: function() { t.hasClass("la-instagram-slider") && (t.addClass("js-el la-slick-slider"), setTimeout(function() { _.core.initAll(a) }, 200)), a.removeClass("loading").addClass("loaded") }, after: function() { if ("" != o) try { Cookies.set(o, "yes", { expires: 1 / 48 }); var e = t.clone(); t.hasClass("la-instagram-slider") && e.find(".slick-list").remove(), sessionStorage.setItem(o, e.html()) } catch (e) { _.utils.logger.set("Cannot set cache", "Instafeed", "sessionStorage init error") } } }, i); try { if ("" != o) { var s = sessionStorage.getItem(o); "yes" == Cookies.get(o) && void 0 !== s && null != s ? (t.html(s), e.success()) : new Instafeed(e).run() } else new Instafeed(e).run() } catch (e) { a.removeClass("loading").addClass("loaded loaded-error"), _.utils.logger.set("Cannot create Instafeed object", "Instafeed", "Instafeed init error") } a.attr("data-appear-success", "true") } }; return { init: function() { v(window).load(function() { _.utils.LazyLoad(r, { load: function() { v.isFunction(window.Instafeed) ? t() : _.core.loadDependencies([_.core.path.plugins + "jquery.instafeed.js"], t) } }).observe() }) } } }, _.component.tweetsFeed = function(e) { var i = v(e), t = function() { i.attr("id", "la_tweets_" + _.utils.randomID); var n = i, e = n.attr("data-widget-id"), t = n.attr("data-profile"), a = { id: "", profile: { screenName: "lastudioweb" }, dataOnly: !0, maxTweets: n.attr("data-amount"), customCallback: function(e) { for (var t = "", a = 0, i = e.length; a < i; a++) { var o = e[a]; t += '
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(i.append(t).isotope("appended", t).isotope("layout"), setTimeout(function() { i.isotope("layout") }, 100)) : (t.each(function(e) { 0 == e && (e = 1), v(this).css({ "animation-delay": 100 * e + "ms", "-webkit-animation-delay": 100 * e + "ms" }) }), t.addClass("fadeInUp animated")), v(".la-infinite-loading", i).remove(), v(".la-infinite-container-flag", i.parent()).length) && (_.utils.getOffset(v(".la-infinite-container-flag", i.parent())).y < window.innerHeight && i.infinitescroll("retrieve")); var a = i.data("infinitescroll"); try { v(".blog-main-loop__btn-loadmore").removeClass("loading"), n == a.options.state.currPage && v(".blog-main-loop__btn-loadmore").addClass("nothing-to-load") } catch (e) { _.utils.logger.set(e, "infinitescroll", "error when call") } }), i.hasClass("infinite-show-loadmore") && i.infinitescroll("pause"), v(".la-infinite-container-flag", i.parent()).length) && (_.utils.getOffset(v(".la-infinite-container-flag", i.parent())).y < window.innerHeight && i.infinitescroll("retrieve")); v(document).on("click", ".blog-main-loop__btn-loadmore", function(e) { e.preventDefault(), v(this).addClass("loading"), v(".blog-main-loop.infinite-show-loadmore").infinitescroll("retrieve") }) }; return { init: function() { v.isFunction(v.fn.infinitescroll) ? r() : _.core.loadDependencies([_.core.path.plugins + "jquery.infinitescroll.js"], r) } } }, _.component.WooThreeSixty = function(e) { var i = v(e); if ("" != i.data("woothreesixty_vars")) { var t = function() { var e = i.data("woothreesixty_vars"), t = JSON.parse(e.images); try { var a = i.ThreeSixty({ totalFrames: t.length, currentFrame: 1, endFrame: t.length, framerate: e.framerate, playSpeed: e.playspeed, imgList: ".threesixty_images", progress: ".spinner", filePrefix: "", height: e.height, width: e.width, navigation: e.navigation, imgArray: t, responsive: e.responsive, drag: e.drag, disableSpin: e.spin }); _.utils.eventManager.publish("LA:WooThreeSixty", [a, i]) } catch (e) { _.utils.logger.display(e) } }; return { init: function() { v.isFunction(v.fn.ThreeSixty) ? t() : _.core.loadDependencies([_.core.path.plugins + "jquery.threesixty.js"], t) } } } }, _.component.InlineSVG = function(e) { var t = v(e), a = t.data(), i = { type: a.type ? a.type : "oneByOne", duration: a.duration ? a.duration : 150, file: a.svg }, o = function() { var e = new Vivus(t[0], i); a.hover && v(a.hover).hasClass("active-svg-effect") && v(a.hover).on("mouseenter", function() { e.stop().reset().play(2) }).on("mouseleave", function() { e.finish() }) }; return { init: function() { "undefined" == typeof Vivus ? _.core.loadDependencies([_.core.path.plugins + "vivus.js"], o) : o() } } }, _.component.HotSpotImages = function(t) { var e = v(t).data("tooltip-func"); return { init: function() { v("> img", v(t)).on("click", function(e) { v(t).find(".hotspot__item.open,.nttip.open").removeClass("open") }), "hover" == e && v(".la_hotspot_wrap", v(t)).on("mouseenter", function(e) { 1024 < w.width() && v(this).find(">.hotspot__item,>.nttip").addClass("open") }).on("mouseleave", function(e) { 1024 < w.width() && v(this).find(">.hotspot__item,>.nttip").removeClass("open") }), v(".la_hotspot_wrap", v(t)).on("click", function(e) { e.preventDefault(), v(this).siblings(".la_hotspot_wrap").find(">.hotspot__item,>.nttip").removeClass("open"), v(e.target).is(".tipclose") || v(e.target).parent().is(".tipclose") ? v(this).find(">.hotspot__item,>.nttip").removeClass("open") : v(this).find(">.hotspot__item,>.nttip").addClass("open") }), v(".tipclose", v(t)).on("click", function(e) { e.preventDefault(), v(this).closest(".la_hotspot_wrap").find(">.hotspot__item,>.nttip").removeClass("open") }), _.utils.LazyLoad(v(".la_hotspot_wrap", v(t)), { load: function(e) { v(e).addClass("animated-in") } }).observe() } } }, _.core.MegaMenu = function() { function e(e, t) { e.find("> .dl-menu > div > ul > li").unwrap().unwrap(), e.find(".sub-menu, ul.children").addClass("dl-submenu"), e.dlmenu(v.extend({ backLabel: la_theme_config.i18n.backtext, animationClasses: _.ui.MobileMenuEffect() }, t)) } _.utils.eventManager.subscribe("LA:MegaMenu:MenuPosition", function(e, t) { v.exists(t) && t.each(function() { var e = v(this), u = e.parent().attr("data-container"), t = e.parent().attr("data-parent-container"), p = e.hasClass("isVerticalMenu"), h = v(u).width(); p && (h = (t ? v(t).width() : w.width()) - v(u).outerWidth()), v("li.mm-popup-wide .megamenu-inited", e).removeClass("megamenu-inited"), v("li.mm-popup-wide > .popup", e).removeAttr("style"), v("li.mm-popup-wide", e).each(function() { var e = v(this), t = v("> .popup", e), a = v("> .popup > .inner", e), i = parseInt(a.data("maxWidth") ? 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-(o - l) / 2 : 0, u.x - d.x - s + c < 0 && (c = -(u.x - d.x - s)), u.x + o + c > d.x + n.outerWidth() - r && (c -= u.x + o + c - (d.x + n.outerWidth() - r)), i.css("left", c).css("left"), i.addClass("submenu-inited") } }(v(this), a, i) }) }), _.utils.eventManager.publish("LA:MegaMenu:MenuPosition", [v(".mega-menu")]), _.utils.eventManager.publish("LA:MegaMenu:ComponentSubMenuPosition", [v(".header-top-elements .la_com_action--dropdownmenu"), ".header-top-elements", v(".header-top-elements").width()]), _.utils.eventManager.publish("LA:MegaMenu:ComponentSubMenuPosition", [v(".header-main .la_com_action--dropdownmenu"), ".header-main", v(".header-main").width()]), _.utils.eventManager.publish("LA:MegaMenu:ComponentSubMenuPosition", [v(".site-header-mobile .la_com_action--dropdownmenu"), ".site-header-mobile", v(".site-header-mobile").width()]), w.on("resize", function() { _.utils.eventManager.publish("LA:MegaMenu:MenuPosition", [v(".mega-menu")]), _.utils.eventManager.publish("LA:MegaMenu:ComponentSubMenuPosition", [v(".header-top-elements .la_com_action--dropdownmenu"), ".header-top-elements", v(".header-top-elements").width()]), _.utils.eventManager.publish("LA:MegaMenu:ComponentSubMenuPosition", [v(".site-header-mobile .la_com_action--dropdownmenu"), ".site-header-mobile", v(".site-header-mobile").width()]), _.utils.eventManager.publish("LA:MegaMenu:ComponentSubMenuPosition", [v(".header-main .la_com_action--dropdownmenu"), ".header-main", v(".header-main").width()]) }); var t = function() { e(v("#la_mobile_nav"), {}), v("#la_dlmenu_main").length && e(v("#la_dlmenu_main"), { animationClasses: { classin: "dl-animate-in-2", classout: "dl-animate-out-2" } }) }; v.isFunction(v.fn.dlmenu) ? t() : _.core.loadDependencies([_.core.path.plugins + "jquery.dlmenu.js"], t), l.on("click", "html.support-touch-click .mega-menu > li.menu-item-has-children > a", function(e) { v(this).parent().siblings().removeClass("go-go"), v(this).parent().hasClass("go-go") || (e.preventDefault(), v(this).parent().addClass("go-go")) }) }, _.core.SitePreload = function() { setTimeout(function() { u.removeClass("site-loading") }, 500), w.load(function() { u.removeClass("site-loading") }), w.on("beforeunload", function(e) { "safari" != _.utils.browser.name && (void 0 === window.hack_beforeunload_time || void 0 !== window.hack_beforeunload_time && 1e3 < e.timeStamp - window.hack_beforeunload_time) && (v("#page.site").css("opacity", "0"), u.addClass("site-loading")) }), v(document).on("click", 'a[href^="tel:"], a[href^="mailto:"], a[href^="callto"], a[href^="skype"], a[href^="whatsapp"]', function(e) { window.hack_beforeunload_time = parseInt(e.timeStamp) }), w.on("pageshow", function(e) { e.originalEvent.persisted && u.removeClass("site-loading") }), _.utils.LazyLoad(v(".la-lazyload-image")).observe(), _.utils.eventManager.subscribe("LA:Component:LazyLoadImage", function(e, t) { t.find("img[data-lazy-src], img[data-lazy-original]").each(function(e, t) { var a = t.getAttribute("data-lazy-srcset"), i = t.getAttribute("data-lazy-sizes"), o = t.getAttribute("data-lazy-src") || t.getAttribute("data-lazy-original"); a && t.setAttribute("srcset", a), i && t.setAttribute("sizes", i), o && t.setAttribute("src", o), v(t).removeClass("lazyload") }) }) }, _.core.FixVCRowFullWidth = function() { if (_.utils.isActiveVC()) { v(".la-shortcode-maps").each(function() { v(this).closest(".wpb_wrapper").height("100%") }), w.on("load resize", function() { var e = v(".map-full-height"); e.css("height", e.closest(".vc_column-inner ").height()) }); var u = v("#main.site-main"); l.on("vc-full-width-row", function(e) { for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) { var a = v(arguments[t]); a.addClass("vc_hidden"); var i = a.next(".vc_row-full-width"); i.length || (i = a.parent().next(".vc_row-full-width")); var o = parseInt(a.css("margin-left"), 10), n = parseInt(a.css("margin-right"), 10), s = 0 - i.offset().left - o + u.offset().left + parseInt(u.css("padding-left")), r = u.width(), l = parseInt(a.css("maxWidth")); if (0 < l && l < r && (s < 0 && (s += (r - l) / 2), r = l), a.css({ position: "relative", left: s, "box-sizing": "border-box", width: r }), !a.data("vcStretchContent")) { var c = -1 * s; c < 0 && (c = 0); var d = r - c - i.width() + o + n; d < 0 && (d = 0), a.css({ "padding-left": c + "px", "padding-right": d + "px" }) } if (v.exists(a.find('[data-la_component="AdvancedMasonry"]'))) a.find('[data-la_component="AdvancedMasonry"]').each(function() { !1 == !!v(this).data("data-advancedmasonry-setwidth") && (_.utils.eventManager.publish("LA:AdvancedMasonry:calculatorItemWidth", [v(this)]), v(this).attr("data-advancedmasonry-setwidth", !0)) }); a.attr("data-vc-full-width-init", "true"), a.addClass("vc-has-modified").removeClass("vc_hidden") } }), "undefined" == typeof vc_js ? 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"remove" : "add", post_id: a, security: _.core.path.security.favorite_posts } }).done(function(e) { i.removeClass("loading"), e.success && (t.hasClass("added") ? i.removeClass("added exists") : i.addClass("added exists"), i.find(".favorite_count").html(e.data.count)) }).fail(function() { i.removeClass("loading") }) } }) }, _.core.ElementClickEvent = function() { l.on("click", ".la_com_action--searchbox.searchbox__01 .component-target", function(e) { e.preventDefault(), u.addClass("open-search-form"), setTimeout(function() { v(".searchform-fly .search-field").focus() }, 600) }).on("click", ".la_com_action--aside_header .component-target,.btn-aside-toggle", function(e) { e.preventDefault(), v.exists(v(".header--menu-burger")) ? 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  • 0101
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"down" : e === t ? "none" : "up", t = e }), v.exists(p)) { var e = { offset_top: _.utils.getAdminbarHeight() }; p.la_sticky(e), w.on("resize", function() { setTimeout(function() { u.trigger("la_sticky:recalc") }, 300) }) } var l = !!u.hasClass("header-sticky-type-auto"), a = function() { var e = w.width(), t = o.desktop.normal, a = o.tablet.normal, i = o.mobile.normal; 992 < e ? v.exists(c) && (t = a = d.outerHeight(), 1300 < e ? v(".la-header-sticky-height").height(t) : v(".la-header-sticky-height").height(a)) : v.exists(h) && (i = f.outerHeight(), v(".la-header-sticky-height-mb").height(i)) }; a(), w.on("resize", a), function() { if (v.exists(v(".footer-handheld-footer-bar"))) { var a = v(".footer-handheld-footer-bar"); w.on("scroll", function(e) { if (!(600 < w.width())) { var t = parseInt(la_theme_config.header_height.mobile.normal); t < 20 && (t = 100), w.scrollTop() > t ? "down" == la_theme_config.mobile_bar ? 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(n.hasClass("sticky--unpinned") && n.removeClass("sticky--unpinned"), n.hasClass("sticky--pinned") || n.addClass("sticky--pinned")) : (n.hasClass("sticky--pinned") && n.removeClass("sticky--pinned"), n.hasClass("sticky--unpinned") || n.addClass("sticky--unpinned")) : n.addClass("sticky--pinned")) : l ? i.hasClass("is-sticky") && (a - t < o.outerHeight() || (i.removeClass("is-sticky"), n.css("top", "0").removeClass("sticky--pinned sticky--unpinned"))) : i.hasClass("is-sticky") && (i.removeClass("is-sticky"), n.css("top", "0").removeClass("sticky--pinned sticky--unpinned")), s = t } }) } }(), function() { if (v.exists(h)) { var i = h, o = v(".site-header-outer", h), n = f, s = 0, r = _.utils.getOffset(o).y; w.on("resize", function(e) { r = _.utils.getOffset(o).y }).on("scroll", function(e) { if (!(992 < w.width())) { var t = w.scrollTop(), a = r - _.utils.getAdminbarHeight(); l && (a = r - _.utils.getAdminbarHeight() + o.outerHeight()), a < t ? (n.css("top", _.utils.getAdminbarHeight()), i.hasClass("is-sticky") || i.addClass("is-sticky"), l ? t < u.height() && t < s ? (n.hasClass("sticky--unpinned") && n.removeClass("sticky--unpinned"), n.hasClass("sticky--pinned") || n.addClass("sticky--pinned")) : (n.hasClass("sticky--pinned") && n.removeClass("sticky--pinned"), n.hasClass("sticky--unpinned") || n.addClass("sticky--unpinned")) : n.addClass("sticky--pinned")) : l ? i.hasClass("is-sticky") && (a - t < o.outerHeight() || (i.removeClass("is-sticky"), n.css("top", "0").removeClass("sticky--pinned sticky--unpinned"))) : i.hasClass("is-sticky") && (i.removeClass("is-sticky"), n.css("top", "0").removeClass("sticky--pinned sticky--unpinned")), s = t } }) } }()) }, _.core.WooCommerce = function() { function o() { var a = v("table.wishlist_table"); a.addClass("shop_table_responsive"), a.find("thead th").each(function() { var e = v(this), t = e.text().trim(); "" != t && v("td." + e.attr("class"), a).attr("data-title", t) }) } v(".la-woo-product-gallery").each(function() { v(this).la_product_gallery() }), v(".variations_form").trigger("wc_variation_form"), l.on("click", ".product_item .la-swatch-control .swatch-wrapper", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var t = v(this), a = t.closest(".product_item").find(".product_item--thumbnail-holder img").first(); 0 < t.closest(".product_item--thumbnail").length && (a = t.closest(".product_item--thumbnail").find(".product_item--thumbnail-holder img").last()), t.hasClass("selected") || (t.addClass("selected").siblings().removeClass("selected"), a.hasClass("_has_changed") || a.attr("data-o-src", a.attr("src")).attr("data-o-sizes", a.attr("sizes")).attr("data-o-srcset", a.attr("srcset")), t.attr("data-thumb") && a.attr("src", t.attr("data-thumb")).removeAttr("sizes srcset")) }), l.on("click", ".la-quickview-button", function(e) { var t, a; if (1500 < w.width() ? (t = 1440, a = 800) : 1200 < w.width() ? (t = 1e3, a = 600) : (t = 900, a = 500), a > w.height() && (a = .8 * w.height()), 900 < w.width()) { e.preventDefault(); var i = v(this), o = function() { lightcase.start({ href: i.data("href"), showSequenceInfo: !1, type: "ajax", maxWidth: t, maxHeight: a, speedIn: 150, speedOut: 100, ajax: { width: t, height: a, cache: !0, ajax_request_id: _.utils.getUrlParameter("product_quickview", i.data("href")) }, onClose: { qux: function() { u.removeClass("open-quickview-product lightcase--completed lightcase--pending"), v(".custom-lightcase-overlay").remove(), v(".custom-lighcase-btn-close").remove() } }, onWait: function(e, t, a) { u.addClass("open-quickview-product"), e.objects.content.append('
'), e.objects.contentInner.append(''), t.html(a); var i = v(".la-woo-product-gallery", t); i.length && (u.addClass("lightcase--pending"), i.la_product_gallery()), e._showContent(t) } }) }; v.fn.lightcase ? o() : _.core.loadDependencies([_.core.path.plugins + "jquery.lightcase.js"], o) } }), l.on("click", "#lightcase-case .product-main-image .product--large-image a", function(e) { e.preventDefault() }), o(), u.on("removed_from_wishlist", function(e) { o() }), l.on("added_to_cart", function(e, t, a, i) { setTimeout(o, 800) }), l.on("click", ".product a.add_wishlist:not(.la-core-wishlist)", function(e) { if (!v(this).hasClass("added")) { e.preventDefault(); var n = v(this), t = n.data("product_id"), s = n.closest(".product").find(".product_item--thumbnail img:eq(0)"), r = "Product", a = { add_to_wishlist: t, product_type: n.data("product-type"), action: yith_wcwl_l10n.actions.add_to_wishlist_action }; n.data("product_title") && (r = n.data("product_title")), n.closest(".product--summary").length && (s = n.closest(".product").find(".woocommerce-product-gallery__image img:eq(0)")); try { if (yith_wcwl_l10n.multi_wishlist && yith_wcwl_l10n.is_user_logged_in) { var i = n.parents(".yith-wcwl-popup-footer").prev(".yith-wcwl-popup-content"), o = i.find(".wishlist-select"), l = i.find(".wishlist-name"), c = i.find(".wishlist-visibility"); a.wishlist_id = o.val(), a.wishlist_name = l.val(), a.wishlist_visibility = c.val() } if (!_.utils.isCookieEnable()) return void alert(yith_wcwl_l10n.labels.cookie_disabled); v.ajax({ type: "POST", url: yith_wcwl_l10n.ajax_url, data: a, dataType: "json", beforeSend: function() { n.addClass("loading") }, complete: function() { n.removeClass("loading").addClass("added") }, success: function(o) { v("#yith-wcwl-popup-message"); var e = o.result, t = o.message; if (yith_wcwl_l10n.multi_wishlist && yith_wcwl_l10n.is_user_logged_in) { var a = v("select.wishlist-select"); void 0 !== v.prettyPhoto && v.prettyPhoto.close(), a.each(function(e) { var t = v(this), a = t.find("option"); if ((a = a.slice(1, a.length - 1)).remove(), void 0 !== o.user_wishlists) { var i = 0; for (i in o.user_wishlists) "1" != o.user_wishlists[i].is_default && v("